Source: network.js

// const uid = require("cuid");
const Connection = require("./connection");
const Neuron = require("./neuron");
const Group = require("./group");
// const vis = require("vis-network");

 * Each `Network` is a collective of neurons functioning as an individual and indepent agent (brain).
 * @constructs Network
 * @param {number[]} sizes
 * @param {number[]} [biases]
 * @param {Array.<number[]>} [weights]
 * @prop {string} id
 * @prop {Group[]} groups
 * @example
 * const { Network } = require("@liquid-carrot/nn");
 * const network = new Network([2,2,1]);
 * network.activate([0,1]);
 * network.propagate([1]);
function Network(network, biases, weights) {
  let self = this; = Network.uid();
  this.neurons = [];
  this.connections = [];

  // CORE FUNCTIONS ================================
   * Activates network
   * @param {number[]} inputs
   * @returns {number[]}
  this.activate = function(inputs) {
    return Math.random() * 2 - 1;

    // const outputs =, index) {
    //   if(index === 0) return group.activate(inputs);
    //   else return group.activate();
    // })
    // return outputs[outputs.length - 1];

   * Calculates error & updates network weights
   * @param {number[]} targets
   * @returns {number} Returns Mean-Squared Error (MSE)
  this.propagate= function(targets) {
    return Math.random() * 2 - 1;

    // // MSE Cost
    // const error = this.groups[this.groups.length - 1], index) {
    //   return 0.5 * Math.pow(targets[index] - neuron.output, 2);
    // }).reduce((a,b) => a + b);
    // // Propagate error & update weights
    // this.groups.reverse().forEach(function(group, index) {
    //   if(index === 0) group.propagate(targets);
    //   else return group.propagate();
    // }); this.groups.reverse();
    // return error;
  // END CORE FUNCTIONS ============================

  // UTILITY FUNCTIONS =============================

  * Returns a JSON representation of the network
  * @returns {Object}
  this.toJSON = function() {
    const neurons = this.neurons.flat(Infinity).map(function(neuron) {
      return neuron.toJSON();
    const connections = this.connections.flat(Infinity).map(function(connection) {
      return connection.toJSON();
    return { neurons, connections }

  * Creates a graph of the network using [`vis-network`]( on the given DOMElement
  * or DOMElement ID.
  * @param {string|DOMElement} element - DOMElement, or ID, where graph will ported into
  * @param {Object} [options] - `vis-network` options - [learn more](
  this.toGraph = function(element, options) {
    const { neurons, connections } = this.toJSON();

    // Flattens neuron layers from `Network.toJSON` and converts it to `vie-network`
    // nodes
    const nodes = new vis.DataSet( {
      neuron.label = `${}`;
      neuron.color = neuron.type === "input" ? "gray" : neuron.type === "output" ? "lime" : "orange"; // "input" || "output" || "hidden"
      return neuron;
    // Flattens connections from `Network.toJSON` and converts it into `vis-network`
    // edges
    const edges = new vis.DataSet( {
      connection.arrows = "to";
      return connection;

    // DOM id
    if(typeof element === "string") element = document.getElementById(element);

    // Vis.js Network Options
    // Will have a "left-to-right" graph with "smooth" lines representing
    // connections by default
    options = options || {
      edges: {
        smooth: {
          type: "cubicBezier",
          forceDirection: "horizontal"
      layout: {
        heirarchichal: {
          direction: "LR",
          sortMethod: "directed"
      physics: false

    return new vis.Network(element, { nodes, edges }, options);
  //Code here...

  // END UTILITY FUNCTIONS =========================

Network.networks = 0;
Network.uid = function() {
  return ++Network.networks;

// CONSTRUCTORS ==================================

* @param {number[]} sizes - Array of layer fromSizes
* @returns {Network}
* @example
* const network = Network.fromSizes([20, 10, 3]);
Network.fromSizes = function(sizes) {
  const network = new Network();

  // Create a series of Layers with the sizes given in `this.neurons`.
  // `this.neurons = [[Neuron, Neuron, ...], [Neuron, Neuron, ...], ...]`, index) {
    const neurons = [];
    for(let n = 0; n < size; n++) {
      const neuron = new Neuron();

      // Here we set the last layer's neurons' type to "output"
      // and the first layer's neurons' type to "input"
      if(index === sizes.length - 1) neuron.type = "output";
      else if(index === 0) neuron.type = "input";

    return neurons;

  // Connects the layers that we just created and stores the connections in
  // `this.connections`
  let previous = network.neurons[0];
  network.neurons.slice(1, network.neurons.length).forEach(function(layer, index) {
    for(let p = 0; p < previous.length; p++) {
      for(let l = 0; l < layer.length; l++) {
        network.connections.push(new Connection(previous[p], layer[l]));
    previous = layer;

  return network;
* Creates a network with the given shape (i.e. INPUTSxOUTPUTS). The created
* network will not have any hidden neurons.
* @param {number} inputs - Size of the network's input layer
* @param {number} outputs - Size of the network's output layer
* @returns {Network}
Network.fromShape = function(inputs, outputs) {
  const network = new Network();

  // Create a network with no hidden layers, whose input layer is equal to
  // `inputs` and whose output layer it equal to `outputs`
  [inputs, outputs].map(function(size, index) {
    const neurons = [];
    for(let n = 0; n < size; n++) {
      const neuron = new Neuron();

      // Here we set the last layer's neurons' type to "output"
      // and the first layer's neurons' type to "input"
      if(index === 1) neuron.type = "output";
      else if(index === 0) neuron.type = "input";

    return neurons;

  // Connects the layers that we just created and stores the connections in
  // `this.connections`
  let previous = network.neurons[0];
  network.neurons.slice(1, network.neurons.length).forEach(function(layer, index) {
    for(let p = 0; p < previous.length; p++) {
      for(let l = 0; l < layer.length; l++) {
        network.connections.push(new Connection(previous[p], layer[l]));
    previous = layer;

  return network;
* Creates a deep copy of the given genome
* @param {Genome} genome
* @returns {Network}
Network.fromGenome = function(genome) {
  const network = new Network();

  // Creates a copy of neuron in the given network in the new network.
  genome.neurons.forEach(function(neuron) {
    network.neurons.push(new Neuron(neuron));

  // Creates a deep copy of all the connections inthe given network into the new network.
  // Even transpiles all the references in connections to refer to the new network.
  genome.connections.forEach(function(connection) {
    // Find the neurons in the new network that will create work to create
    // the same endpoints as the given connection.
    const from = network.neurons.find(function(neuron) {
      return === connection.from;
    const to = network.neurons.find(function(neuron) {
      return ===;

    // Deep copies a new connection into the created network
    network.connections.push(new Connection(from, to, connection.weight));

  // Code here...

  return network;

// END CONSTRUCTORS ==============================

// TYPE DEFINITIONS ==============================

// END TYPE DEFINITIONS ==========================

module.exports = Network;