Class: Connection

Connection(a, b, weightopt, optionsopt)

new Connection(a, b, weightopt, optionsopt)

Connections help: * a) control the flow information inside of a neural network * b) describe the shape of a neural network * c) ease the use of Evolutionary Algoriths

To facilitate the use of Evolutionary Algoriths, Connections are given Unique Temporal-Structural IDs using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm.

Temporal-Structural IDs: are not only a method of uniquely identifying a connection, they also allow us to identify a) where in the network the connection exists (i.e. between what neurons), and b) when it was "created-ish".

Connection IDs created using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm enable stronger algorithms, i.e. NEAT/HyperNEAT, to create networks of arbitrary sizes/shapes.

Name Type Attributes Description
a Neuron | Group

Neuron(s) on one edge of the connection

b Neuron | Group

Neruon(s) on another edge of the connection

weight number | Array.<number> <optional>

Weight of connection(s)

options Object <optional>
Name Type Attributes Description
id string

Unique connection ID

a Neuron | Group

Side "A" of connection(s)

b Neuron | Group

Side "B" of connection(s)

weight number | Array.<number> <optional>

Weight of connection(s)

const connection = new Connection(neuron, other) // Connection { a: neuron, b: other }

const connection = new Connection(neuron, other, 0.3) // Connection { a: neuron, b: other, weight: 0.3 }


(static) uid(fromID, toID) → {number}

Creates a unique structural ID for connection between two neurons using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm.

The Cantor Pairing Algorithm us to a) mathematically, map any two non-negative integers to a unique positive integer - it even is sensetive to order (i.e. Connection.uid([2,3]) !== Connection.uid([3,2])), and b) "AI-ly" it allows to keep track of unique structural connections across time as a neural network mutates (i.e. changes "shape").

Name Type Description
fromID number

ID of source neuron

toID number

ID of destination neuron


A unique integer ID created using the Cantor Pairing Algorithm
