const _ = require(`lodash`);
// const parameter = require(`./util/parameter`);
const Network = require(`./architecture/network`);
const methods = require(`./methods/methods`);
const config = require(`./config`);
* Runs the NEAT algorithm on group of neural networks.
* @constructs Neat
* @param {number} [inputs=1] Size of input layer of the networks in the population
* @param {number} [outputs=1] Size of output layer of the networks in the population
* @param {Array<{inputs:number[],outputs:number[]}>} [dataset] Dataset used to train networks in the population at first - _other sets of data can be passed to `neat.evolve()` after constuction_
* @param {Object} options **Configuration Options**
* @param {number} [options.population_size=50] Population size of each generation.
* @param {number} [options.elitism=1] Elitism of every evolution loop. [Elitism in genetic algortihtms.](
* @param {number} [options.provenance=0] Number of genomes inserted the original network template (Network(input,output)) per evolution.
* @param {number} [options.mutation_rate=0.4] Sets the mutation rate. If set to 0.3, 30% of the new population will be mutated. Default is 0.4.
* @param {number} [options.mutation_amount=1] If mutation occurs (randomNumber < mutation_rate), sets amount of times a mutation method will be applied to the network.
* @param {cost} [options.cost=cost.MSE] Specify the cost function for the evolution, this tells a genome in the population how well it's performing. Default: methods.cost.MSE (recommended).
* @param {boolean} [options.equal=false] When true [crossover](Network.crossOver) parent genomes are assumed to be equally fit and offspring are built with a random amount of neurons within the range of parents' number of neurons. Set to false to select the "fittest" parent as the neuron amount template.
* @param {number} [options.clear=false] Clear the context of the population's nodes, basically reverting them to 'new' neurons. Useful for predicting timeseries with LSTM's.
* @param {number} [options.growth=0.0001] Set the penalty for large networks. Penalty calculation: penalty = (genome.nodes.length + genome.connectoins.length + genome.gates.length) * growth; This penalty will get added on top of the error. Your growth should be a very small number.
* @param {number} [options.amount=1] Set the amount of times to test the trainingset on a genome each generation. Useful for timeseries. Do not use for regular feedfoward problems.
* @param {boolean} [options.fitnessPopulation=false] Flag to return the fitness of a population of genomes. Set this to false to evaluate each genome inidividually.
* @param {Function} [] - A fitness function to evaluate the networks. Takes a `dataset` and a `genome` i.e. a [network](Network) or a `population` i.e. an array of networks and sets the genome `.score` property
* @param {string} [options.selection=FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE] [Selection method](selection) for evolution (e.g. Selection.FITNESS_PROPORTIONATE).
* @param {Array} [options.crossover] Sets allowed crossover methods for evolution.
* @param {Network} [] Network to start evolution from
* @param {number} [options.maxNodes=Infinity] Maximum nodes for a potential network
* @param {number} [options.maxConns=Infinity] Maximum connections for a potential network
* @param {number} [options.maxGates=Infinity] Maximum gates for a potential network
* @param {mutation[]} [options.mutation] A set of allowed [mutation methods](mutation) for evolution. If unset a random mutation method from all possible mutation methods will be chosen when mutation occurs.
* @prop {number} generation A count of the generations
* @prop {Network[]} population The current population for the neat instance. Accessible through `neat.population`
* @example
* const { Neat } = require("@liquid-carrot/carrot");
* // new Neat()
* let neat = new Neat()
* // new Neat(options)
* let neat = new Neat({ population_size: 100 })
* // new Neat(dataset)
* let neat = new Neat([
* { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
* { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
* ])
* // new Neat(input, output)
* let neat = new Neat(64, 10)
* // new Neat(dataset, options)
* let neat = new Neat([
* { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
* { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
* ], { population_size: 100 })
* // new Neat(input, output, options)
* let neat = new Neat(64, 10, { population_size: 100 })
* // new Neat(input, output, dataset)
* let neat = new Neat(2, 1, [
* { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
* { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
* ])
* // new Neat(input, output, dataset, options)
* let neat = new Neat(2, 1, [
* { input: [0, 0], output: [0] },
* { input: [0, 1], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1, 1], output: [0] }
* ], { population_size: 100 })
const Neat = function(inputs, outputs, dataset, options) {
const self = this;
// new Neat() | Nothing to do
// new Neat(dataset) || new Neat(options)
if(!(outputs || dataset || options)) {
if(_.isPlainObject(inputs)) options = inputs;
else if(Array.isArray(inputs)) dataset = inputs;
inputs = undefined;
// new Neat(dataset, options)
else if(!(dataset || options) && Array.isArray(inputs) && _.isPlainObject(outputs)) {
dataset = inputs;
options = outputs;
inputs = outputs = undefined;
// new Neat(input, output, options)
else if(!(options) && _.isInteger(inputs) && _.isInteger(outputs) && _.isPlainObject(dataset)) {
options = dataset;
dataset = undefined;
* To-do:
* new Neat(population) - leave out for now
* new Neat(input, output)
* new Neat(population, options) - leave out for now
* new Neat(population, dataset) - leave out for now
* new Neat(input, output, dataset)
* new Neat(population, dataset, options) - leave out for now
* new Neat(input, output, dataset, options)
inputs = inputs || 1;
outputs = outputs || 1;
dataset = dataset || [];
options = _.defaultsDeep(options, Neat.default.options)
Object.assign(self, { inputs, outputs, dataset, ...options});
* Create the initial pool of genomes
* @function createPool
* @deprecated
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Network} network
* @param {Number} population_size the number of types the genome of network will be copied to make the pool
self.createPool = function createPool(network, population_size) {
const population = [];
for (let i = 0; i < population_size; i++) {
population.push(Network.fromJSON({, score: undefined }));
return population;
* Creates a new population
* @function createPopulation
* @alpha
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Network} [network=options.template] Template network used to create population - _other networks will be "identical twins"_ - _will use `options.template`, if `network` is not defined_
* @param {number} [size=50] - Number of networks in created population - _how many identical twins created in new population_
* @returns {Network[]} Returns an array of networks each a member of the population
self.createPopulation = function create_networks_for_evolution(network, size) {
// createPopulation(size)
if(!size && Number.isInteger(network)) {
size = network
network = undefined
size = size || self.population_size
// Prioritize network, otherwise use template network, otherwise use "new network"
copyNetwork = network
? () => network.clone()
: self.template
? () => self.template.clone()
: () => new Network(self.inputs, self.outputs)
const population = []
for(let i = 0; i < size; i++) population.push(copyNetwork())
return population
// Initialise the genomes
self.population = self.population || self.createPopulation(self.template, self.population_size);
* Replaces all networks that match the `pick` function - _picked networks are sent through the `transform` function_
* Allows networks (genomes) in a population to be picked and transformed with a custom user-defined function, used within Neat.evolve to allow for custom mutation before and after evolution
* @function replace
* @alpha
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Network[]} [population] An array (population) of genomes (networks)
* @param {number|Network|Function} [pick] An index, network, or function used to pick out replaceable genome(s) from the population - _invoked `pick(network, index, population)`_
* @param {Network|Function} [transform] A network used to replace picked genomes or a function used to mutate picked genomes - _invoked `transform(network, index, population)`_
* @return {Network[]} Returns the replaced genomes (population)
* @example
* let neat = new Neat()
* let pick = function pickGenome(genome, index, population) {
* return genome.nodes.length > 100 ? true : false // Pick genomes with >100 nodes
* }
* let transform = function transformGenome(genome, index, population) {
* genome.clear() // Adjust by cleaning the genome state
* return genome // Return the genome
* }
* neat.population = neat.replace(neat.population, pick, transform)
self.replace = function(population, pick, transform) {
if(population == undefined && pick == undefined && transform == undefined) throw new ReferenceError("Missing required parameter 'transform'")
// Change execution when partial params supplied
function _transform(t) {
const transformer = t instanceof Network ? (() => t) : typeof t === "function" ? t : new TypeError(`Expected ${t} to be a {Network|Function}`);
return transformer;
function _pick(f) {
const pick = Number.isFinite(f) ? (network, index, population) => index === f
: f instanceof Network ? (network, index, population) => network === f
: typeof f === "function" ? f
: f == undefined ? () => true
: new TypeError(`Expected ${t} to be a {Number|Network|Function|undefined}`);
return pick;
// replace(transform)
if (pick == undefined && transform == undefined) {
transform = _transform(population);
pick = _pick();
population = self.population;
// replace(population, transform)
else if (transform == undefined) {
transform = _transform(pick);
pick = _pick(population);
population = self.population;
// replace(population, pick, transform)
else {
transform = _transform(transform);
pick = _pick(pick);
population = population || self.population;
// Does not create deep copies before operations. Potentially problematic, but performant
const transformed = []
for (let i = 0; i < population.length; i++) {
pick(population[i], i, population) ? transformed[i] = transform(population[i], i, population) : transformed.push(population[i])
return transformed;
* Resizes the population and adjusts the `population_size`
* @function resize
* @alpha
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Network[]|number} update An array of new networks to add to the existing population or a new size for the population.
* @example
* let neat = new Neat() // default population_size = 50
* neat.resize(51) // Adds 1 new network to make the 51 population members
* let neat2 = new Neat()
* neat.resize(neat2.population) // Adds neat2 population to neat, neat now has 101 networks
* console.log(neat.population_size) // 101
self.resize = function(update) {
if(typeof update == 'number' || typeof update == 'string' && +update === +update) {
let offset = update - self.population.length;
if(offset > 0) {
if(self.population.length === 1) {
while(offset-- > 0) self.population.push(self.getOffspring())
} else {
while(offset++ < 0) self.population.pop() // if population sorted, removes least fit first
} else if (Array.isArray(update) && update.length) {
for(let i = 0; i < update.length; i++) self.population.push(update[i])
} else {
throw new Error("Neat.resize needs a number or an array of new population members!")
self.population_size = self.population.length
return self.population
* Mutates the given (or current) population
* @function mutate
* @memberof Neat
* @param {mutation} [method] A mutation method to mutate the population with. When not specified will pick a random mutation from the set allowed mutations.
* @return {Network[]} An array of mutated networks (a new population)
self.mutate = function mutate_population(method) {
const options = {
maxNodes: self.maxNodes,
maxConns: self.maxConns,
maxGates: self.maxGates
// Change execution based on arguments
const mutateGenome = method
? (genome, method, options) => genome.mutate(method, options)
: (genome, methods, options) => genome.mutateRandom(methods, options)
// Default to Neat allowed mutations if no method
method = method ? method : self.mutation
const population = []
for(let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) {
if(Math.random() <= self.mutation_rate) {
for(let j = 0; j < self.mutation_amount; j++) {
population.push(mutateGenome(self.population[i], method, options))
return population
* Evaluates, selects, breeds and mutates population
* @function evolve
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Array<{input:number[],output:number[]}>} [evolve_dataset=dataset] A set to be used for evolving the population, if none is provided the dataset passed to Neat on creation will be used.
* @param {Function} [pickGenome] A function that takes a genome as a parameter and returns true "marking" it for adjustment - _invoked `pick(network, index, population)`_
* @param {Function} [adjustGenome] A function that takes a marked genome as a parameter, makes changes, and returns it - _invoked `transform(network, index, population)`_
* @returns {network[]} An evolved population
* @example
* // original
* let originalSet = [
* { input: [0,0], output: [0] },
* { input: [0,1], output: [1] },
* { input: [1,0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1,1], output: [0] },
* ]
* let neat = new Neat(originalSet, {
* input: 1,
* output: 2
* });
* // special set to be used when evolving
* let evolve_dataset = [
* { input: [0], output: [1] },
* { input: [1], output: [0] }
* ]
* // evolves using evolve_dataset INSTEAD of originalSet
* neat.evolve(evolve_dataset)
* // evolves using originalSet
* neat.evolve()
* // optional parameters left out
* let pick = function pickGenome(genome) {
* // Select genomes with more than 100 nodes
* return genome.nodes.length > 100 ? true : false
* }
* // optional parameters left out
* let transform = function transformGenome(genome) {
* genome.clear() // Adjust by cleaning the genome state
* return genome // Return the genome
* }
* neat.evolve(null, pick, transform) // First param is usually dataset, but this uses originalSet instead
self.evolve = async function(evolve_dataset, pickGenome, transformGenome) {
if (self.elitism + self.provenance > self.population_size) throw new Error("Can't evolve! Elitism + provenance exceeds population size!")
// =======================
// Check arguments section. First we'll check if evolve_dataset exists
// We prioritize evolve_dataset, fallback to the Neat dataset, and otherwise expect .score properties to be set
if (typeof evolve_dataset === 'function') {
adjustGenome = pickGenome
pickGenome = evolve_dataset
evolve_dataset = undefined
const isArray = (x) => Array.isArray(x) && x.length
let evolve_set = isArray(evolve_dataset) ? evolve_dataset : isArray(self.dataset) ? self.dataset : null
let population = self.population // Shallow copy, consider changing later once full functional pattern reached
const hasScores = _.every(population, network => {
// (+a === +a) "equal to self" check is ~4000% faster than regex
return typeof network.score == 'number' || typeof network.score == 'string' && +network.score === +network.score
if(evolve_set && !hasScores) {
await self.evaluate(evolve_set)
} else if (!hasScores) {
throw new Error("If no dataset is passed, all networks in population must have numeric '.score' properties!")
// =======================
// Check & adjust genomes as needed
if (pickGenome) population = self.replace(population, pickGenome, transformGenome)
// Sort in order of fitness (fittest first) | In-place mutation
// Elitism, assumes population is sorted by fitness
const elitists = []
for (let i = 0; i < self.elitism; i++) elitists.push(population[i].clone())
// Provenance
const new_population = []
for(let i = 0; i < self.provenance; i++) new_population.push(self.template.clone())
// Breed the next individuals
for (let i = 0; i < self.population_size - self.elitism - self.provenance; i++) {
// Replace the old population with the new population
population = self.population = new_population // not purely functional yet so resorting to this
// Mutate the new population
// Add the elitists
for (let i = 0; i < elitists.length; i++) population.push(elitists[i])
// evaluate the population, only if a set was provided
if(evolve_set) await self.evaluate(evolve_set)
// Check & adjust genomes
if (pickGenome) self.population = self.replace(population, pickGenome, transformGenome)
// Sort by fitness (fittest first)
// Reset the scores if no dataset present
if(!evolve_set) {
for (let i = 0; i < population.length; i++) population[i].score = undefined
return self.population
* Returns a genome for recombination (crossover) based on one of the [selection methods](selection) provided.
* Should be called after `evaluate()`
* @function getParent
* @memberof Neat
* @return {Network} Selected genome for offspring generation
self.getParent = function get_genome_using_selection_method() {
switch ( {
case `POWER`: {
const index = Math.floor(Math.pow(Math.random(), self.selection.power) * self.population.length);
return self.population[index];
// As negative fitnesses are possible
// this is unnecessarily run for every individual, should be changed
let total_fitness = 0;
let minimum_fitness = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) {
const score = self.population[i].score;
minimum_fitness = score < minimum_fitness ? score : minimum_fitness;
total_fitness += score;
minimum_fitness = Math.abs(minimum_fitness);
total_fitness += minimum_fitness * self.population.length;
let random = Math.random() * total_fitness;
let value = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) {
const genome = self.population[i];
value += genome.score + minimum_fitness;
if (random < value) return genome;
// if all scores equal, return random genome
return self.population[Math.floor(Math.random() * self.population.length)];
case `TOURNAMENT`: {
if (self.selection.size > self.population_size) {
throw new Error(`Your tournament size should be lower than the population size, please change methods.selection.TOURNAMENT.size`);
// Create a tournament
const individuals = [];
for (let i = 0; i < self.selection.size; i++) {
let random_agent = self.population[Math.floor(Math.random() * self.population.length)];
// Sort the tournament individuals by score
individuals.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.score - a.score;
// Select an individual
for (let i = 0; i < self.selection.size; i++) {
if (Math.random() < self.selection.probability || i === self.selection.size - 1) {
return individuals[i];
* Selects two genomes from the population with `getParent()`, and returns the offspring from those parents. NOTE: Population MUST be sorted
* @function getOffspring
* @memberof Neat
* @returns {Network} Child network
self.getOffspring = function() {
const parent1 = self.getParent();
const parent2 = self.getParent();
return Network.crossOver(parent1, parent2, self.equal);
* Evaluates the current population, basically sets their `.score` property
* @function evaluate
* @memberof Neat
* @param {Object[]} [dataset]
* @return {Network[]} Return the population networks
self.evaluate = async function (dataset) {
dataset = dataset || self.dataset
if(!dataset.length) throw new Error("A dataset must be passed to the Neat constructor or Neat.evaluate()!")
if (self.fitnessPopulation) {
// Evaluate fitness at population level
if (self.clear) for(let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) self.population[i].clear()
// calculate the fitnesses, self.population);
} else {
// Evaluate fitness at genome level
for (let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) {
const genome = self.population[i]
// clear network state if flag set
if (self.clear) genome.clear()
genome.score =, genome)
self.population[i] = genome
// Sort the population in order of fitness
// return the fitness of the best agent, which represents the fitness of the population
return self.population[0]
* Sorts the population by score. Warning! Mutates the population directly
* @function sort
* @param {network[]} A population to sort
* @returns {undefined}
self.sort = function sort_population_by_fitness(population) {
population = Array.isArray(population) && population.length ? population : self.population
population.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.score - a.score;
* Returns the fittest genome of the current population
* @function getFittest
* @memberof Neat
* @returns {Network} Current population's fittest genome
self.getFittest = async function get_fittest_population_genome() {
// Check if evaluated. self.evaluate is an async function
if (typeof self.population[self.population.length - 1].score === `undefined`) {
await self.evaluate();
return self.population[0];
* Returns the average fitness of the current population
* @function getAverage
* @memberof Neat
* @returns {number} Average fitness of the current population
self.getAverage = async function get_average_population_fitness() {
if (typeof self.population[self.population.length - 1].score === `undefined`)
await self.evaluate(); // self.evaluate is an async function
let score = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++)
score += self.population[i].score;
return score / self.population.length;
* Export the current population to a JSON object
* Can be used later with `fromJSON(json)` to reload the population
* @function toJSON
* @memberof Neat
* @return {object[]} A set of genomes (a population) represented as JSON objects.
self.toJSON = function export_to_json() {
const json = [];
for (let i = 0; i < self.population.length; i++) {
return json;
* Imports population from a json. Must be an array of networks converted to JSON objects.
* @function fromJSON
* @memberof Neat
* @param {object[]} json set of genomes (a population) represented as JSON objects.
self.fromJSON = function import_from_json(json) {
const population = [];
for (let i = 0; i < json.length; i++)
self.population = population;
self.population_size = population.length;
Neat.default = {
options: {
generation: 0, // internal variable
equal: true,
clean: false,
population_size: 50,
growth: 0.0001,
cost: methods.cost.MSE,
amount: 1,
elitism: 1,
provenance: 0,
mutation_rate: 0.4,
mutation_amount: 1,
fitnessPopulation: false,
fitness: function(set = dataset, genome, amount = 1, cost = methods.cost.MSE, growth = 0.0001) {
let score = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) score -= genome.test(set, cost).error;
score -= (genome.nodes.length - genome.input - genome.output + genome.connections.length + genome.gates.length) * growth;
score = isNaN(score) ? -Infinity : score; // this can cause problems with fitness proportionate selection
return score / amount;
selection: methods.selection.POWER,
crossover: [
mutation: methods.mutation.ALL,
maxNodes: Infinity,
maxConns: Infinity,
maxGates: Infinity
module.exports = Neat;